Boris Hu


MP3 Dev Toolchain

Overview and Usage

In this project, I made a simple bullet hell game that could run on an website. I have practiced to use the modern web development toolchain to structure and deploy an app which includes external dependencies. I have mainly use the p5 and libraries to make the game.


Development Process

  1. First, I followed the class activity to initialize the develop toolchain to build the environment for me the make the game.
  2. Next, I have gone through the tuturial website and watched several videos on youtube to have an basic undersanting of
  3. Then I have tried all the different functions on p5 editor and use them to first build the structure of he game.
  4. Finally, I solved the problems I encountered and created my own simple game.

Issue Deep-Dive

  1. The first problem I have encountered is the rollup plugin I used to bundle the code is creating an empty JavaScript file in the dist folder which will cause the page deployed show nothing.
    • By following Hannah's instruction in the discord server, I have changed to not use the node resolve plugin and use the direct import in the HTML files.
  2. The second problem I encountered is the sprites I have created in the "draw" function could not interact with other sprites. After debugging, I found out that the sprites and groups need to be created in the "setup" function to enable it to interact with other elements.
    • After detected the problem, I changed the structure of my code and created all the sprites and groups in the "setup" funtion.

Ideas and Future
