Boris Hu


MP1 Web Extension WriteUp

Overview and Usage

In this project, I made a chrome web extension that could change the current tab to incognito mode, also it will delete the browser history of this tab. To use this web extension, load unpacked web extension in the chrome extensions page. Then, on the tab you want to change to incognito, click the button in the extension section on the top right corner of the brower.


Development Process

  1. I have first look through the chrome developer page of creating new windows and clearing brower history. Watched some youtube tuturial videos to about creating web extensions.
  2. Then I have looked up for example project on github to see if there is similar ones that could inspire my thought.
  3. Finally, I modified the code to accomplish my goal that switch current tab to incognito and delete history.

Issue Deep-Dive

Ideas and Future
