This is the final version of the final project. From the prototype version, I have
small bugs. Added the order to the leaderbaord, limit the displayed player on the
leaderbaord to 10.
Development Process
Found out the user name will be changed to "anon" but not "anonymous" after log out.
Bug fixed after change the "anon" to "anonymous".
Created a list of numbers to indicate the order of the leaderbaord. Add this list next
to the usernames and scores.
Finally, I deployed the website.
Issue Deep-Dive
To display the order beside the usernames and score, I tried to use ordered list in HTML,
but it is too complicated to put every user and score in each list.
I use a tricky way to solve it which is to create a array with number 1 to 10 and put it
beside the leaderbaord.
Ideas and Future
Add a large game over screen to show score of player after a game.
Add usernames could not be the same feature to make player unique
Add more features to the game to make it more interesting.